Tom Scott loves the United States but hates its government, in particular what is effectively the world's largest crime syndicate—the U.S. legal system.
He has enormous respect for the Constitution and Framers and despises when those in power disrespect either.
He is considered to be the world's leading expert on the corrupt U.S. legal system.
At this speaking engagement, Libertopia 2018, he provided
unbelievable statistics and a personal story that would make any sane person's head spin. Sara and he spoke at several venues before the
pandemic including: the Libertarian convention, Cal Poly, and elsewhere.
Tom centers his life around his duty and his passion. His duty
is to fix the reprehensible legal system and to protect everyday people from it—the latter of which he has done with his first book,
Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor. His passion is fitness and wellness, on which he will focus in his upcoming and final book.
Tom has withstood more than two dozen duels with the legal system; some voluntary, most not. Being a novice initially, he wasn't very adept, but quickly learned how to turn the tables on the system and beat it at its own game.
He has defeated those who are supposed to uphold the law and has never lost to a lawyer in a one-on-one fight within the courts.
In his first book, only one of two known books of its kind, he shares with readers what has worked and what has not worked for him when battling in courts in various states. Its purpose is to protect people from the many bad actors in the system. It is most helpful before it is needed.
In his second book, Our American Injustice System, he recounts inconceivable stories that nobody could possibly believe.....if the evidence that he provides wasn't rock-solid. Its purpose is to prove that the U.S. legal system is wildly corrupt and to sound the warning bell about its future ramifications.
He and the publisher deliberately chose the publication date of April 1 because the syndicate is a joke, and a very bad one at that.
He is the world's former top-rated fitness model and is a former college and semi-pro athlete. He is also an accomplished model and actor, has an engineering degree, holds a U.S. patent, sponsors two children in foreign countries, is a certified personal trainer, and is coauthoring his third and final book, Stack the Health Odds in Your Favor, the health and wellness sequel to his first.